Sunday 24 December 2017

Contented Living: Parables of The Fisherman and the Businessman

Today, I will discuss the parables of the fisherman and the businessman.

In a certain town in Damascus exist a fisherman, we call him Elvis and a businessman we call him Warren.

Elvis was happy as long as he catches 3 fishes daily and goes back to enjoy happy and quality time with his family.

As fated by God, one day Elvis and Warren path cross.

So, Warren the rich and clever man met Elvis the contented happy guy.

As always when two minds meet, they will always exchange.

Warren, suggest to Elvis to catch more fish "maybe 10 in a day as a start."

Elvis asked then "what should I do?"

Warren says "save the money, hire more people, catch more fish."

Elvis asked then "what should I do?"

Warren continues "then buy boats and bigger boats to catch more fish in deeper water."

Elvis asked then "what should I do?"

Warren continue "then get it listed in Wall Street where all the money is made"

Elvis asked then "what should I do?"

Warren sum it up "then enjoy all your time with your family, of course"

Elvis answered, "isn't that I am doing."

Elvis then enlightens Warren "You might control all the money in the world, but without God, in your heart, you will always feel empty and fall to temptations of sin and never content with our lot on earth. Our current place on earth is only a transition journey before our final destination - heaven or hell. If you are a slave to God; the devil doesn't have a stake on you anymore as no one can be a slave to two masters."

Warren "Gulp with fear"

- The End -

God Bless You.

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Lion.

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