Wednesday 5 July 2023

Characteristic of a doom country with Venezuela as a benchmark

 What is the sign and symptom of a doom country? 

The sign of a doom country is when the country spend more than what it earns and have massive leakage. 

Why does a country spend more than what it earn? This is because the country tend to become a welfare state without the resources to support it. A welfare state is a country whereby the masses is subsidizes or given handout. While, the productive part of society is taxed massively, this happen to Sri Lanka, Venezuela and Pakistan bringing them to the brink of bankruptcy and a failed state. Welfare state is akin to robbing Peter to pay Paul or what we say in economic there is no free lunch, when someone get it for Free someone have to pay for it. 

What is the leakage in a doom country? Corruption, whereby a leader's only goal is to enrich themselves, making personal goal top priority than to develop the country, for the betterment of the next generation, this happen to many country with dictators like leader such as Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

We have talk about the sign of a doom country. Let us talk about the symptom of a doom country. The symptom of a doom country is low foreign reserve, worthless exchange rate and massive printing of worthless currency leading to hyperinflation whereby money is worthless. History recorded that 100 trillion dollar in zimbabwe cannot buy you a chicken in zimbabwe in 2008. This happen to country like Hungary, Venezuela and Wilmar Republic in Germany as well.

We have seen the signs and symptoms of a doom country. Is your country having the sign and symptom of a doom country? 

If yes. So, what is the prevention? Prevention is better than cure and I always believe if you fail to plan, you plan to fail and it would be better if you are 20 years earlier than one day late.

The best prevention strategy is to exchange worthless fiat money with God's money that stood the test of time since immemorial or People's money which is the money of the future like what Adam Smith coin it, a thing is worth how much a buyer willing to pay.

What is God's money, God's money is precious metal such as Gold, silver, platinum and rare earth that is finite in number on earth and will always rise in price with time and withstand the devaluation of fiat money with time. In God we trust as the American dollar proclaimed.

What about people's money? People money is money that is universal and accepted worldwide without government intervention or jurisdiction such as Crypto and things for barter trade such as grab, ground, gasoiline, gold, gourd and gun.

If we delve into crypto? We must select the high grade crypto which is crypto with limited number in circulation not exceeding 1 billion unit and not easily reproduced as time is a friend of a good business and enemy of a mediocre and you can fool people once but not everyone everytime. High grade crypto include bitcoin and ethereum and their descendants.

I hope that i am proven wrong and all these signs and symptoms will not happen to any other country like what happen in Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Argentina, Sri Lanka and Pakistan but may these countries trod on the path of prosperity sooner or later. 

Moral of the story: Murphy law stated that the sorrow of what we are prepare for will seldom happen. So, if we fail to plan, we plan to fail. 

May God's Grace and Mercy with us forever. 

God's Mercy endures forever,

Dr. Lion. 

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