Wednesday 24 July 2019

Consumerism: Death of all business sooner or later.

As we are entering the twenties, let us ponder on the concept of consumerism.

What is consumerism?

Consumerism is the consumer purchasing behavior that prefers to buy higher-quality goods at cheaper price as time goes on.

This makes the supplier or private company go bust as it losses its share to another company with a higher quality product at a cheaper price or if the private company is resistant to change like KODAK, NOKIA, and Burberry.

So, in order for a company to survive, they need to be very competitive and need to change with time, practicing KAIZEN or everyday improvement as a start or better if they practice the Principle of Carnibalizing their product life cycle so that the "S curve" of growth can be there.

If we don't cannibalize our own product, the competitor will.

We need a 180-degree marketing shift, in order to be the head of the pack and not the herd mentality of following the pack.

"The only constant changes."

Be Bless As Always,

Dr. Lion.

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