Friday 28 April 2023

Effect of First Nuclear Strike on Financial Market

 If there is a first nuclear strike by any nuclear nation.

The financial market will collapse making all strong fundamental stock and derivatives market to be worthless. 

However, grab, ground, gasoline, gold, gun, gourd and guard will be in high demand worldwide as food, lodging, medicine and safety become the top priority.

The world wide web will be down due to hacking and loss of infrastructure such as destroy of underwater cable. 

Therefore, crypto, banking transaction and share trading will only be available if there is internet. 

If there is no internet, we can only rely on physical asset to survive such as food, toiletries, fire equipments, camping set, cash and gold to survive on barter trade.

The world might enter anarchy and we must find a hideout for us to survive the short term due to nuclear fallout or lawless state.

These are all early sign of tribulations. 

Better be 20 years early than 1 day late. 

God bless, 

Dr. Lion. 

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