Saturday 17 June 2023

The Doom Country

 If you want to find a recipe of a doom country, look at it's people.

If a country workforce is unproductive. Then the country is destiny to fail as the youth and the younger generation will be a burden to the country rather than a blessing. The GDP per capita of the country will be lower than the maximum output achieveable. 

Worse still if the income per capita of the country is more than the GDP per capita, making it non-productive and non competitive in the world standard and investor will prefer to invest in more competitive country that offer more return to investment. 

If the debt per capita is more than income per capita than the debt become non serviceable and the country will be burden by debt, whereby the country resource that should be invest to generate more income is use to service the debt. 

Worse still is the debt multiply more and more to support corruptible leader and creating a welfare state making the productive unproductive and the unproductive a burden to the country. 

In economy, there is no free lunch, when someone get it for free someone have to pay for it. Corruption and welfare state is like robbing from the future generation for one's prosperity or for current spending. 

When the debt is too massive then the government will succumb to printing massive amount of money to get out from the debt trap leading to hyperinflation. 

The Loser in hyperinflation will be the saver, the pension fund and pensioner who have to live with worthless papernotes. 

Moral of the story: You cannot break good principles in life but break yourself going against good principle in your life. First of all manage well your debt, so that your debt is less than income and your income per capita is less than your GDP per capita to make you competitive by the world standard. 

God bless you, 

Dr. Lion. 

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