Friday 11 August 2023

Investment from a Doctor's Perspectives

 If you give a Doctor a technical chart, he would said it is an ECG reading. That is why Doctors is known as the worse investor. 

So, if a Doctor would diagnose the health of the stock market. He would have to see the symptoms and signs of the stock market.

Symptoms is what the patient's complain and signs is what the Doctor illicit or found out. 

The symptoms would be world and local news whether it is an act of God, big brothers' action or corporate announcement of individual stock as well as news and actions taken by competitive and complementary competitors in the industry. 

The sign would be volume-price action at international macro and local macro as well as microeconomics of individual  stock or commodity.

So, if the symptoms and sign shows uptrend or bull. We should increase our investment and buy high, sell higher. 

If they show downtrend or bearish, we should decrease our investment and sell low, buy lower. 

Both ways we make as long as we preserve our capital and winning and let it compounded.

Just remember, if we lose and our portfolio enter ICU or casualty ward just stop digging and remember to live and fight another day at another more favorable set of economic conditions. 

Stock market is the world's most cruel game. The stock market does not care whether you make or lose as the stock market have a life of it's own. 

Stock market is the fastest route to untold richest or the poor coop house as millions were won or lose in the stock market in the past and it will exist for many more years as long as capitalism exist. 

Moral of the story: Faith favored those who are prepare.

In God we trust, 

Dr. Lion

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