Friday 17 July 2015

Balanced Personality (Maslow's theory)

If we were to study motivation theory, Maslow's hierarchy of need will come to play.

Without fulfilling Maslow's hierarchy of need history had proven that we cannot be a successful person.

1) The first need is a psychological need, we as human, we need a lot of things and wants a lot of things. We need to differentiate our needs from our wants. Basic needs are food clothes and shelter. With modern time car and the internet are necessary. However, all this need money. So our basic needs can only be fulfilled with money or financial freedom. But, we cannot be successful with only money, can we?

2) The second need is a physical need. We need good health to be able to enjoy and live our life to the fullest. When we are young we exchange our health for wealth, when we are old we exchange our wealth for health. What is wealth without health and what is health without wealth? So, take care of your health.

3)Thirdly, we need emotional need. No man is an island, we need to be in a certain social group and role in society. We will feel most appreciated if we know that we contributed to society and make this world a better place for us, our loved ones, friends, relatives and future generations to come. Try the satisfaction of doing good - realizing that with our life, we make a better life for somebody else is most rewarding. In life, we don't have to be the greatest mountain but be the best rock to the utmost of our ability. We can start with a small donation, plant a tree, write a book or groom our children to contribute to society. Why? Because they live longer than us and we know we have made someone life better with our mere existence.

4)Fourthly, intellectual needs. We need wisdom and we need a lot of it, why? A lot of people say cash is king but in truth, wisdom and knowledge is king. Experience is part of wisdom and knowledge. Why? I give u an example. In medieval England, a boatman was rowing the king and 2 of his minister over a certain part of a river. The boatman grumbles that the king pays his minister a lump sum while they idle their time away, sleeping and snoring. The king has his wisdom. So, he tries to give some wisdom to the boatman. When they reach the shore, the king and the boatman heard the sound of lion cub growling. He asked the boatman to go and see, the boatman came back and answer a few lion cubs is crying. The king asked what is the color of the cub? The boatman goes again and check. The third time the king asked the boatman, why the cub cry? The boatman goes again and check. After a few attempts by the boatman, the king woke up one of his ministers and asked him to check the sound. The minister came back after a while reporting that the cry is the from 3 yellow male and 2 yellow female lion club crying due to hunger because their mother had died and he had hunt some wild rabbits to feed them. The boatman heard about it and admit that the king and his minister is full of wisdom and deserve to be their leader. All of them agree that wisdom is of utmost importance. As another example, whenever a rich and clever man meets they always exchange - the clever man teaches knowledge to the rich man and the rich man give wealth to the clever man. How true it is, it is for you to ponder in your daily lives. So, knowledge, my friend is the way forward - country with the knowledge-based economy will be stronger, more resilient and succeed in the future. Compare your subordinates or child; which 1 u prefer? the boatman or the minister?; It is wisdom by itself in your choice.

5) Lastly, spiritual need is important as everything will come to pass. Shakespeare have said in Macbeth, "life is a story, told by a fool, which would eventually end in the grave". So, whats' the point to be the richest man in the grave like Mr.Scrooge in the Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, spend some time with our creator or patron saint (whatever you believe) and be kind to your parents. Be prepare for your after life.

If we fulfill all the five needs above; I believe we can have a rich, healthy and fulfilling live without worry about after life.

May your life be bless.

"Let us choose a fulfilling life and not drifting aimlessly anymore!"

Good Luck! Amigo!

 Dr Lion

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