Saturday 20 January 2018

Secret of Success in the New World Economy after "Everything Collapse"

As the saying goes "Good day never last and Bad day never Forever."


This is because every "Events" of the world follow the "Theory of Seasons."

Let us recap an old story from Medieval China.

1. There is an old farmer with a horse.

2. One Sunny day, the farmer's horse get lost in the wilderness.

3. So, the farmers' relatives and friends pity such an unlucky man.

4. The next day, the farmer's horse came back with a female horse.

5. So, they congratulate the farmer.

6. The next day, the farmer's son broke his leg, while, riding on the mare.

7. The acclaimed what a pitiful sight.

8. In a fortnight, all the young man in the village was forced to be a soldier in the garrison to protect against the invading Mongols.

9, So, the farmer's relatives and friends proclaimed what a blessed family as the heir of the farmer is exempted from the national service.

Therefore, my friend, be ready to embrace the "Wind of Change."

"As the only constant is the change" and "all things will come to pass"

Therefore, we need to follow baby-steps to success in the "Aftermath" of "Everything Collapse":

1. Surrender to God's will.

2. Think Rationally.

3. "Do more than what you are paid for" or even better "Do more than what you are worth."

4. Embrace new Era with new Knowledge, Skill and Technology.

In God We Trust.

"Father, Let's your will be done"

May your day be bless.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lion.   

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