Thursday 1 February 2018

Bedrock Principle

A man with principle will live a more blessed life than someone who drifts.

It would be better if someone who lives with a bedrock principle.

What is the bedrock principle?

Bedrock principle is a principle that is based on the "common good"

We can have 2 views of life:

1. Scarcity mentality

2. Abundant mentality.

In scarcity mentality, we always think that, when someone makes, someone will lose. Scarcity mentality is a robber mentality, whereby, we need to rob from Peter to pay Paul.

In abundant mentality, we always think that we will synergize and make more together or what we say a win-win solution. The abundant mentality is a teamwork mentality, whereby, we created history by getting two heads better than one.

Let me illustrate a point, Google search engine is so successful today compare to Yahoo is because Google harnesses this bedrock principle. Google started from a humble beginning whereby Google combine the computing ability of 1000 computer into a supercomputer, whereby, making Yahoo, with a supercomputer interface at that time lose out and derailed to the second time forever.

At the current time, Alphabet the parent company is going to cross the mark as the biggest company in the world.

Those, who harness the principle of abundant mentality knows that this is the principle utilized by David to defeat Goliath.

David's principle is based on the bedrock principle of the common good which would eventually win over Goliath principle of self-gratification.

Let me be more philosophical.

A genuine interest in common good will make you very rich.

You might doubt the congruency between good and rich.

Let, I explain further.

If u want to be rich in this world, the basic principle is to help solve people's problem.

You will ask me how can helping people solve their problem make me rich?

Just take a minute to ponder, why do others pay us? Definitely, to solve their problem.

So, the bigger problem you solve, the richer you become.

Isn't this the bedrock principle of abundant mentality, whereby, everyone wins.

A bedrock principle of helping others solve their problems is as strong as the Rock of Gibraltar.

If you synergize your principle, not to the human law but God's law or what we say the common good or humanitarian principle. We will be even better as that means we get the blessing of heaven.

A great civilization is born when its people fear God and avoid sin. This is mankind bedrock principle.

Glory to God.

In God we trust.

"Father, may your will be done"

Your eternal servant,

Dr. Lion.

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