Sunday 4 February 2018

Wisdom of the Ages

Wisdom of the Ages

1. Whatever you do for others, if you do more than what you are paid for you will always be successful, whether you are a teacher, singer, author, salesman or even a businessman.

2. If you want others to trust you and believe in you and your product - you must always be truthful as I always believe the concept of "know the truth and the truth shall set u free."

3. In whatever investment, if you get a dollar for the paltry sum of a penny, you will never just have to wait till people realized the value of what you have - it can be a recipe, a rare coin, a land, a diamond, an antique or even an idea.

4. Whenever a rich and genius meet they will exchange their mind and their goods.

5. Life is short, so put serving others first. Live for others.

6. It is not the last strike that gives results, its the cumulative failure that makes a person the mastercraftsmen - the big shot is the small shot that keeps on shooting. This is because when you are down and under, the next trajectory catapult will bring you up up and away like the spring after winter for the vineyard....always remember adversary sharpen us for greater things.


"It takes the cumulative 1000th hit of the hammer to break a great rock, not a single blow."

God bless u.

"In God we trust"

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Lion.

1 comment:

  1. Your post is always inspiring and has certain inner power. Totally agree but not many willing to serve others genuinely. God bless you..
