Saturday 26 October 2019

Global Currency Reset.

Say one day, A global currency reset occurs.

How will we to live?

The farmer still plant trees and the fisherman still fish.

What will happen is only that money become worthless.

So, how do we prepare for it?

By separating the wheat from the weeds.

The wheat are the necessity of life, while the weeds are the wants in life.

As the currency reset occurs, we would have to go back to barter trade as currency is not in existence anymore.

The victim are the rich in currency standard and saver as well as pensioner, while the victor are the poor borrower and commodity farmers.

So, what are the needs in life.

From the needful to less needful is grab, ground, gasoline, gourd, gun and gold.

All these things can always be barter trade for all our wants.

As a thing is worth how much a buyer willing to pay.

Moral of the story: It is better to be a decade early than a day late.

Be Bless,

Dr. Lion.

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