Tuesday 29 October 2019

Preparing for Currency Reset.

Imagine a scenario whereby currency is worthless or not in existence.

What type of World will that be?

It would be a chaotic and unruly world, whereby some will succumb to looting for survival.

There will not be law and order as we will be following the law of the jungle and at the very best most people will start by doing barter trade as it was the mode of trading since time immemorial, before the creation of coins and paper currency.

If the law of the jungle is the theme of the days, we will be in need of weapons to stay safe.

If people are still rational, they might resort to barter trade.

Here, we will discuss the ideal assets to have, in order to have the upper-hand in barter trade.

In a barter trade without paper currency, the best assets to trade-in are the necessities of life or what we call the needs in life.

So, what is the need in life?

The need in life are:

1. Food with a long shelf life for storage or a food orchard.
2. Water which is fresh and clean or a water straw with water filter
3. The shelter is far from major cities.
4. Clothes that are comfortable for mobilities and proper hiking shoes
5. Toiletries - toothpaste, soap, shampoo, toilet papers
6. Gasoline
7. Medicine - vitamins, minerals, essential medicine, and first aids
8. Gold and silver in the small denomination for essential barter trade.
9. Weapons against burglary, robber or wild animals as well as insects.
10. Light such as a fluorescent lamp to see at night
11. Firestarter like lighter or easily flammable items
12. Medical Services within reach.
13. Unpolluted air using an air mask
14. Radios with dynamos or solar and batteries for communications.
15. Entertainments such as poker cards and pre-install movies.
16. Fans or a small air conditioner for humidity.
17. An electric generator which uses gasoline.

But, if the conditions are not as severe, a small pile of silver and gold in small denominations would be adequate.

Moral of the story: Better to be a decade early than a day late.

Be Bless As Always,

Dr. Lion.

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