Thursday 21 September 2017

The Next Era of Human Revolution

Revolution means something that changes mankind - thinking, concepts and lifestyles forever.

Archimedes always joke "If he had enough leverage, he can move the world."
True, from the sense of invention that changes the world forever.

1) Human starts with stone age - tool revolution.

2) Metal Revolution - metal tool.

3) Renaissance age - artistic and radical thinking as well as philosophy.

4) Agricultural age - food for the masses, with surplus bought to the marketplace for a profit.

5)Industrial revolution - creating mechanical devices at a cheaper cost with the concept of  "division of labor"

6)Electrical revolution - Light bulbs allowing us to work till twilight.

7)Automobile revolution - mobility improve

8)Airplane revolution - anyone can fly

9)Computer revolution - a machine that can store information

10)Internet revolution - communication faster and cheaper

11)Robotic revolution - cheaper and more efficient way of doing a task

12)Artificial Intelligent revolution - robots that are able to think and decide without emotion attached

13)Human capital revolution - Knowledge-Based Economy.

14)More revolution to come - space revolution, deep sea revolution, quantum physics revolution?

"A lot of People have profited and fortune was made from the first 9 revolutions. Are we ready for the future revolution - embrace the internet, robotics, A.I. and human capital revolution?................ for the betterment of yourself, family, society and finally mankind."

Good Luck Amigo

Dr Lion 

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