Friday 22 September 2017

Theory of Reflexivity

Do you know that whatever small things that we do, somehow or another we can change the world?

Here are 2 examples:

1) Alexander Flemings's discovery of Penicillin after WW1  saved millions of life in WW2.

2) The flipping of the wings of a butterfly can cause a tornado. (Any weatherman are aware of such strange phenomena)

Therefore, whatever we do will be reflected in the community, that we lived and the earth, somehow or another.

"That's the basis of Theory of Reflexivity."

The theory said that "The results of the equation change when new variables were added to the equations"

That's why we must be receptive to new pieces of information, new changes and adapt as well as transform to be ahead of the pack and always try to be the "trend-setter" and not the "trend-follower"

The following scenarios show how important "response time" is for us to transforms and adopt.

1) Seconds: Decisions during a fire in a building.

2) Minutes: A stock transaction or treating patients during an emergency.

3) Hour: Business Evaluation for tenders.

4) Day: A new business opportunity or affiliates.

5) Month: Changing business or consumer trend.

6) Year: Decision on our personal health and wealth.

"The only constant is Change"

Good Luck! Amigo!


Dr. Lion      

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