Sunday 23 December 2018

The rule of the game: Cash is King

Keep your cash and wait for summer to charge with all your might and all your heart.

Wait for the silver lightning at the end of the rainbow.

Be bless,

Dr. Lion.

Thursday 20 December 2018

Law of Stock: After the stock is real dead, it will float to the surface.

Be Cheerful,
Be Merry

and wait for

the perfect pitch,
the perfect timing.

"Our Best Day will come."

Be Bless,

Dr. Lion.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Creating a successful and order organization for the 21st Century

Dear All,

We cannot break good principle, but we can break oneself going against the good principle.

I will illustrate Good Principle as an example that every vibrant organization should practice in the 21st century.

In a Good Organization, there must be:

1. Order Organization.....right person for the right job.

2. Proper Process.. a process that is proven to be effective and innovative to make it better..  eg...GMP....stands for Good Manufacturing Practice.

3. System is a process that encompass the input and output and how to match it to the bigger ecosystem.

4. Benchmark it with the standard or to the best practice in the industry.

5. Calibrate or in other words post mortem on periodical basis to make it better.
Ideally, principles such as kaizen or everyday improvement should become the manifesto of the organization.

Good luck.

God bless you,

Dr Lion. 

Friday 3 August 2018

Rationality and Discipline will bring you to new frontier.

Bless day,

A rational mind will always win over an irrational mind.

Say, I have a business debt of rm 1 million.

How to handle it.

A man of honor knows that we should be a problem solver and not a problem creator.

How to handle this scenario.

1. Be calm.
2. Think rationale.
3. Be disciplined.

1. Be calm and count our blessings.

2. Be rational. The only way to be out of the rut is to benchmark oneself against the best player in the industry and model after them.

3. Discipline. Life will give whatever you ask, but, make sure, you pay the price to get whatever you want. It is more about making the decision and bares the consequences.

4. Dream. Build more castles in the air but make sure there are foundations for the castle.

Fear God,
Beginning of wisdom,
Fear God,
Follow his commandments.

Bless day ahead,

Dr. Lion.

Compounding is the eight wonders of the world.

Dear readers,

Those that know it, make it. Those that are ignorant, pay for it.

Einstein claimed that compounding is the eight wonders of the world.

Let's expound further.

Say, I sold Manhattan Island to Columbus, 500 years ago (the year 1518) at 5 dollars and compounded it at 6 percent per year.

How much is it worth now.

Let the magic of 72 works.

It takes 12 years for my money to double.

So, we have 42 doublings.

That money would worth 20 trillion by now.

See 5 dollar turn to 20 trillion if you sit long enough.

Fear God,
Beginning of wisdom,
Lean not,
Own understanding.

Have a Productive day ahead,

Dr. Lion.

Friday 6 April 2018

Benefit and loser in US Sino trade war

Now the US and China had engaged in a trade war.

1) The main losers are Finish Goods exporter from China to the US and vice versa.
2) Those working in work in progress (WIP) and their supplier which supply goods from developing countries that sell to China or the US will suffer too.
3) Technology goods will suffer, cost of business increase as China is the technology factory of the world (1/3 of technology goods come from China) and US technology as well will suffer due to drop in demand. Furthermore, a supply chain provider from other parts of Asia will suffer as well.
4) China will dump the US dollar and US recession is inevitable due to cost-push inflation or stagflation that most probably will occur.

1) China and US exporter will dump their goods to importer from the rest of the world at a cheaper price.
2) China and US importers need to substitute their products from exporters from other countries at a higher price based on "take it or leave it" formula.
3) China will dump US dollar and this benefit company with lots of debts like Malaysia.
4) China converting US bonds to commodity will start a commodity supercycle and benefits country which have their economy based on a commodity like Malaysia.

Conclusion, in this trade war, the US will go bankrupt and for every new job gain from the trade war, 10 US worker will be out of jobs.

In a longer term, factories in America and China would have to close and consumers would have to pay the brunt of the trade war with higher price for essential goods.

God bless America and you.


In God we trust,

Dr Lion.

Monday 12 February 2018

Price: Everything that matters in economics.

In Economics,

When you pass a certain price, there will be no buyer or taker for your goods.

What is this price?

This price is the Golden Price or Ceiling Price in Economics.

So, how do we determine this Golden Price?

By the following factors:

1) Baseline

2) Seasonal Adjustment - usually divided into quarters or more accurately seasons - winter, spring, summer or autumn.

3) Local trend - local scenarios that are affecting the price.

4) International trend - International scenarios that are affecting the price.

5) Random events - Things that are outside our control like a natural disaster, harvest or political changes.

6) Uncertainty - everyone hates uncertainty and need to be paid a price for that uncertainty "seller willing to accept WTA and buyer willing to pay WTP for the uncertainty"

There, will be a discount before the uncertain event like election, WTP and there will be a premium after the uncertain event is over like election, WTA.


We have the Golden Price Equation.

Golden Price (GP) = Baseline (B) + Seasonal (S) + Local (A1) + International (A2) + Random (R) + Uncertainty (U)

May your day be blessed.

"In God we trust"

Yours truly,

Dr. Lion.

Thursday 8 February 2018

How the rich protect their assets.

The last piece of jig-saw in becoming rich forever is to protect your asset.

How do you protect your asset?

By risk management of course.

What type of manager you want?

1. A high risk, high gain manager (aka rabbit)


2. Low risk with sustainable earning (aka tortoise).

Rabbit is great.

"But, I wanna ask you?"

"Have any of you see a tortoise walk backward"

So, now the question is "How do you manage risk?"

By the acronym "I AM"

Risk Management encompasses

1) Risk Identification - identified what is the risk that potentially causes the company or business or organization to suffer a severe setback.

2) Risk Assessment - Stratified the severity of the risk. Whereby risk assessment is the vector product of the probability of the risk and the severity of the risk.

3) Risk Management - Quantified the risk based on transferring the risk asset to the third party.
Risk management encompass elimination, substitution, harm reduction, administrative control, management control and personal protective equipment.

Hope these methods of protecting your asset help.

"In God we trust"

God bless you,

Yours truly,

Dr Lion.

Vibrant and Evergreen Organization

We can make an organization vibrant and evergreen when every stakeholder in the organization are motivated towards the organizations' objectives.

So, the question here: What is the stakeholder in the organization and how do we motivate them?

Say, I run a trading company.

The stakeholder in the trading company would be customer, worker, supplier, shareholder, creditor, government and the society around us.

So, how do I motivate them?

Give them what they want and not give them what I think they want. You don't give a carrot to a mouse and cheese to a rabbit, right?

So, back to my trading company.

1) Customer will need the best service or what we say, customer always right.

2) A worker will need their welfare well taken care of.

3) The supplier will need prompt payment of credit.

4) A shareholder will need sustainable profit.

5) A banker will need prompt payment of the loan as stipulated in the agreement.

6) The government will need adherence to rules and regulations and prompt payment of tax.

7) While society will need corporate social responsibilities (CSR).

Teamwork is the basis of the success of an organization whether it is a family, society, country or civilization  as stated by Confucious, "It is more difficult to break a pack of sticks, than to break a single stick."

"In God we trust"

"May your day be bless"

Yours truly,

Dr Lion.

Sunday 4 February 2018

Wisdom of the Ages

Wisdom of the Ages

1. Whatever you do for others, if you do more than what you are paid for you will always be successful, whether you are a teacher, singer, author, salesman or even a businessman.

2. If you want others to trust you and believe in you and your product - you must always be truthful as I always believe the concept of "know the truth and the truth shall set u free."

3. In whatever investment, if you get a dollar for the paltry sum of a penny, you will never just have to wait till people realized the value of what you have - it can be a recipe, a rare coin, a land, a diamond, an antique or even an idea.

4. Whenever a rich and genius meet they will exchange their mind and their goods.

5. Life is short, so put serving others first. Live for others.

6. It is not the last strike that gives results, its the cumulative failure that makes a person the mastercraftsmen - the big shot is the small shot that keeps on shooting. This is because when you are down and under, the next trajectory catapult will bring you up up and away like the spring after winter for the vineyard....always remember adversary sharpen us for greater things.


"It takes the cumulative 1000th hit of the hammer to break a great rock, not a single blow."

God bless u.

"In God we trust"

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Lion.

Thursday 1 February 2018

Man of God

Glory to God,

A man of God,
Might look awkward,
Might look deserted,
Might look evil,


A man of God,
Only doing God's bidding,
For God his master,
Total servitude to God.

"In God we trust"

Love you forever God,
With all my heart,
With all my soul,
With all my spirit.

Your eternal servant,

Dr. Lion.

Bedrock Principle

A man with principle will live a more blessed life than someone who drifts.

It would be better if someone who lives with a bedrock principle.

What is the bedrock principle?

Bedrock principle is a principle that is based on the "common good"

We can have 2 views of life:

1. Scarcity mentality

2. Abundant mentality.

In scarcity mentality, we always think that, when someone makes, someone will lose. Scarcity mentality is a robber mentality, whereby, we need to rob from Peter to pay Paul.

In abundant mentality, we always think that we will synergize and make more together or what we say a win-win solution. The abundant mentality is a teamwork mentality, whereby, we created history by getting two heads better than one.

Let me illustrate a point, Google search engine is so successful today compare to Yahoo is because Google harnesses this bedrock principle. Google started from a humble beginning whereby Google combine the computing ability of 1000 computer into a supercomputer, whereby, making Yahoo, with a supercomputer interface at that time lose out and derailed to the second time forever.

At the current time, Alphabet the parent company is going to cross the mark as the biggest company in the world.

Those, who harness the principle of abundant mentality knows that this is the principle utilized by David to defeat Goliath.

David's principle is based on the bedrock principle of the common good which would eventually win over Goliath principle of self-gratification.

Let me be more philosophical.

A genuine interest in common good will make you very rich.

You might doubt the congruency between good and rich.

Let, I explain further.

If u want to be rich in this world, the basic principle is to help solve people's problem.

You will ask me how can helping people solve their problem make me rich?

Just take a minute to ponder, why do others pay us? Definitely, to solve their problem.

So, the bigger problem you solve, the richer you become.

Isn't this the bedrock principle of abundant mentality, whereby, everyone wins.

A bedrock principle of helping others solve their problems is as strong as the Rock of Gibraltar.

If you synergize your principle, not to the human law but God's law or what we say the common good or humanitarian principle. We will be even better as that means we get the blessing of heaven.

A great civilization is born when its people fear God and avoid sin. This is mankind bedrock principle.

Glory to God.

In God we trust.

"Father, may your will be done"

Your eternal servant,

Dr. Lion.

Saturday 27 January 2018

Road to Riches and Parables of the Baker and his Apprentice.

How many of us go to a surgeon and ask him to teach us to become a surgeon in 5 minutes?

How many of us go to a lawyer and ask him to teach us to be a barrister in 5 minutes?

How many of us go to an accountant and ask him to teach us to prepare a complete account in 5 minutes?

No, right.

But, how many of us go to a successful person and ask him to teach us to be rich and successful in 5 minutes?

U think that is possible? Maybe, but it seems to me more deep-rooted to motivation.

Here, I would like to share with you the parables of the baker and his apprentice in the bread story.

Say, an aspiring apprentice decided to build a yummy bread tailored to the master, but, he decided that he will only follow the baker's ingredient per se, will he be successful?

I guess no.


In getting the yummy bread, we need, a few factors:

1. Ingredients
2. Amount of each ingredient
3. Recipe
4. Baking equipment
5. Baking environment
6. Right Temperature
7. Right Timing
8. Waiting Period.

Yet, one thing still separates the apprentice from the master baker. You guess what?


Jesse Livermore always sum it up "You cannot break good principle, you can only break yourself, going against a good principle in life"

May your day be blessed.

Servant of God,
Dr. Lion.

Friday 26 January 2018

The most important asset to an organization or a country.

What is the most important asset to an organization or a country?

It is creativity!

Creativity is creating something out of nowhere. That's why Honda advertise this concept as Honda selling point "The Power of Dream"

Let me illustrate further such a great concept.

Do you know that tires for automobiles was initially created in the form of the square since the Flintstones days and they realized that it would be better to make it round and thread after realized about the theory of physic on friction? Hence, the axioms "Don't reinvent the wheel."

Creativity starts the ball rolling for all innovation to be innovative.


Creative. Show that things are possible and when the human brain agrees with the concepts of indefinite possibility serendipity happen. Henry Ford always likes to challenge his engineers for more and more greater height. He mooted the idea of a v12 engine which is not possible at that time. But, his idea for v12 was successful and revolutionized the car industry to think more, making his engineer more creative and more innovative.

More important, Henry Ford is a great man bigger than his name because he subscribes to the principle of  "Do more than what you are paid for" and he has a utopian dream of providing cheap automobiles as a means of transportation for everyone.

In God we Trust.

"Father, may your will be done"

Bless day,

Dr. Lion.

Ever wonder why are we being paid in the first place?

Everyone will only be paid if we solve other people's problem.

Let me illustrate it in the micro and macro ecosystem.


1. Teachers - paid for solving students' learning problem.
2. Mechanics - paid for solving problems of car owners.
3. Doctors - paid for solving health problems.


1. Google - paid for solving search database for knowledge.
2. Facebook - paid for solving social networking problems.
3. Amazon - paid for solving online marketing problems.

As a gesture, I seem to be unable to come across any scenario that people would pay another person unless you help to solve their problem whether ethically or unethically unless on the humanitarian ground like parents, children, family, kinship, society or on the good Samaritan basis.

So. my friend, if u want to be rich?

The secret is to solve a bigger problem for more people. 

That is why the axioms are "adding value to other people's lives"

This shows that being genuinely helpful to solve other people's problem, really paid off, like the Rockefeller, with cheap clean gasoline for cars from oil production from his refinery in Standard Oil Company.

May your day be blessed.

"In God We Trust."

Serving God,

Dr. Lion.

Three Financial Gurus and the Company they keep

British people always have the saying "Bird of same feather flock together" or in other words, we "build up our character on the company we keep."

So, I want to discuss three little Gurus investing because our "Gurus" are what that builds us up - "First build a habit and soon the habits will build our Character - whether for the Good or for the Bad.  (excerpts from Steven R. Covey's book - Seven Habits of Highly Effective People)

Say, we have 3 Gurus.

First Guru, Mr. Crook.

Second Guru, Mr. Average.

Third Guru, Mr. Security.

Their name, would have given them out right?

Let me elaborate further:

The first is a crook. The second gives u a mediocre return and the third gives u a secure return.

Let's do a "situational analysis" based on "risk asset management"

The following are 4 hypothetical scenarios of investing that might happen over our lifetime:

1) Say, I want a very high return. Which Guru should I go to? Definitely, not Mr. Average or Mr. Security. Right? I will be mad if I go to them and I expecting to get a high return. That will be akin to low risk but high return.

2) Say, if I want a very secure return, which Guru should I go to? Definitely Mr. Security. Right? This is because the lower the return, come with a margin of safety of lower risk too

3) Say, if I want a more than average return but an acceptable risk? I will go to Mr. Average then, Right?. This is because of risk commensurate with the return.

4) Say, if I want a high return, with low risk....where do I go?..... None of them. I think I need to see Mr. Lottery or Mr. Da Ma Cai...Ha Ha Ha.

See, none of us will go to Mr. Crook.


Trust and Reliability is an essential element for a person to handle our hard-earned money.

"Fate favored those who are prepared"

Good Luck! Amigo!

"In God We Trust."

Serving God,

Dr. Lion.

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Best Survivor Tips during Crisis: Simple and Contented Living.

Human nature has unlimited wants but deep inside we have few needs only.

In a crisis, the supply of this unlimited wants or desire will be unavailable.

So, those with more desire will definitely suffer more.

A person with less desire will suffer less during a crisis.

Let, all of us show an illustration.

Some of us need cool temperature, proper lighting, proper pillow, no noise or even perfect music, soft blanket and our teddy bear to accompany us before we can fall asleep.

Just imagine, when you are going on a tour, will you have such comfort?

Hence the expression "Home sweet home"

Therefore a simple and contented life will make us satisfied easily and make us more happy and more gratitude to our creator.

In God we trust.

"Father, may your will be done"

Be bless,

Dr. Lion.

Good Principle is the basis of every Civilizations.

A good principle is essential in every field of endeavor.


A great thinker like Jesse Livermore or Warren Buffet had always claimed "You can never break Good Principles but you can always break yourself going against Good Principles"

Why is this so?

This is because the good principle is congruent with God Principle which is for the common good which is the basic building block for family, society, and civilizations.

In God we Trust.

"Father, may your will be done"

Bless day,

Dr. Lion.

The Guaranteed Way to be Successful in Life.

Do u believe me?

If i say, there is a guaranteed way to be successful in life.

Yes, there is.

The magic word is "To fail more than others in Life"

Every Great man in Life knows this Principle.

You want to be more successful than other people, fail more than other people. Take Thomas Alva Edison, he failed 10,000 times on the incandescent light bulbs before being successful and Soichiro Honda on the spark plug designated for Toyota failed so badly that he had to enroll himself in the university to learn on the spark plug for Toyota and his second failure was on the process of obtaining metals for Honda cars which propagate him to lateral thinking and success of attaching motor to bicycle and revolutionize the world with the birth of the Honda motorcycle or Honda cup as it is known then. The material to make the engine for the Honda motor come from the leftover aluminum from allied bombing as stated in his memoirs.

Nothing will stop such horrific man.

Success is great. But, the teacher of success is a failure.

If u get me a person who claimed that he never failed, he is either a born hero or he never tries.






"Father, May your will be done"

Student of Learning,

Dr Lion.

Making Wealth from the eye of a Mathematician

If you ask a mathematician "How to make money?"

He will tell you.

1. Earning is akin to adding to your wealth.
2. Saving is akin to multiplying your wealth.
3. Investing is akin to factoring your wealth
4. Protecting is akin to infinity or everlasting wealth.

How true is the wisdom of the ages?

In God we Trust.

"Father, May your will be done."

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Lion.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

How to detect a strong and sustainable civilizations.

A strong civilization depends on its people.

The people live for God and avoid sin.

When you live for God. You will never regret, worry nor fear about your past or future and you can concentrate your resources for the future.

Furthermore, you know God is your provider and you avoid sin.

When you avoid sin, you avoid being wrong to your fellow brother and sister.

Take for example lust, if you lust your neighbor's wife, is like you are taking your neighbor's only cow, that he has. That is unethical. Imagine, putting yourself in his shoes.

When there is no more sin, everything is in harmony.

So, when there are grace and no sin. There is only blessing and harmony in this civilization.

That's why the acronym "when the man is right, the world is right"

God bless you.

"Father, May your will be done"

Be Productive,

Dr. Lion

SunTzu: Briliant Chinese Strategist

Sun Tzu as super strategist needs few introductions.

He is a superb militarian.

One of his famous quotes is "Take all under heaven without fighting"

Is it possible?

To the human mind, it is impossible, right?

What if I tell you that, "it is possible"

Let me prove it.

How does an Emperor in China lose his throne?

When he lost "the will of heaven right?"

This shows that you can be congruent with Sun Tzu teaching if you have "heaven's will for success"

How to get this heaven's will?

1. Honour God
2. Live a righteous living
3. Do Good
4. Avoid Evil
5. Purify your mind.

You can call this concept civic, morality or religion. But, this is the basic concepts that form the basic building block of family, society, and civilizations. When civilizations prosper human life will prosper.

"What is the use of owning the whole world when you cannot own the blessing of heaven"

May the blessing of heaven be with you.

God bless you,

Dr. Lion.

Monday 22 January 2018

Basic Recipe of Greatness in the family

Many people dream of greatness in the family

Can be.

1. Success to the youth
2. Wealth to the working adult
3. Safety to the housewife

But, the real thing that coalesces to greatness in the family is harmony.

When u have harmony everything go smooth. Tao Te Ching stress of going to harmony with nature.

Moreover, "family" come from the acronym "father and mother I love u"

Family is the building block of society and society the building block of civilizations.

May your day be blessed.

In God we trust.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Lion.

Saturday 20 January 2018

Secret of Success in the New World Economy after "Everything Collapse"

As the saying goes "Good day never last and Bad day never Forever."


This is because every "Events" of the world follow the "Theory of Seasons."

Let us recap an old story from Medieval China.

1. There is an old farmer with a horse.

2. One Sunny day, the farmer's horse get lost in the wilderness.

3. So, the farmers' relatives and friends pity such an unlucky man.

4. The next day, the farmer's horse came back with a female horse.

5. So, they congratulate the farmer.

6. The next day, the farmer's son broke his leg, while, riding on the mare.

7. The acclaimed what a pitiful sight.

8. In a fortnight, all the young man in the village was forced to be a soldier in the garrison to protect against the invading Mongols.

9, So, the farmer's relatives and friends proclaimed what a blessed family as the heir of the farmer is exempted from the national service.

Therefore, my friend, be ready to embrace the "Wind of Change."

"As the only constant is the change" and "all things will come to pass"

Therefore, we need to follow baby-steps to success in the "Aftermath" of "Everything Collapse":

1. Surrender to God's will.

2. Think Rationally.

3. "Do more than what you are paid for" or even better "Do more than what you are worth."

4. Embrace new Era with new Knowledge, Skill and Technology.

In God We Trust.

"Father, Let's your will be done"

May your day be bless.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lion.   

Sunday 14 January 2018

Motivation Paradigm to Riches - Why? and How?

IF you have a very big WHY for riches.

You will definitely find the HOW to riches.

Because the WHY (aka the wife), will always stimulate and give valid reasoning to the HOW (aka the husband) to riches.

So, the magic words are "Why, why, tell me why???"

In God we trust.

"Know the truth and the truth shall set us Free"

"Build your riches in heaven."

"God bless you."

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Lion.

The Citadrel of Riches and why only less than 1% of the people are rich.

In order to be rich, we need to follow the principle of:

1. Earning
2. Saving
3. Investing
4. Protecting.

If you can repeat this cycle infinitely, your only option is only to be very rich.

The Pareto principle, on the other hand, says that 20% of the people, produces 80% of the results.

So, if you synergies both concepts:

1. 20% of the earner will be successful.
2. Out of the 20% of earner, only 4% will be a successful saver.
3. Out of the 4% successful saver, only 0.8%  will be a successful investor.
4. Out of the 0.8% investor, only 0.16% will be able to protect their earning.

Therefore, 0.16% of people only can be rich. In other words, out of 10,000 future students, only 16 will reach the citadel of wealth.

As you come here, you are the chosen one.

1. Earning - represent the employee.
2. Saving - represent the self-employed.
3. Investing - represent the investor.
4. Protecting - represent the business owner.

We need to evolve from Stage 1 to 4, to be really wealthy and carve a pie of the citadel of wealth for oneself.

In God we trust.

Total Surrender to the almighty is the pre-requisite for everlasting success. We store our riches, not only on earth but in heaven as well.

"Know the truth and the truth shall set us free"

God bless you.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lion.