Saturday 25 November 2017

Types of currency during economic crisis.

During an economic crisis, a currency that will be used must be something that is of value to the seller for barter trade.

This is because, during an economic crisis, deflation will occur initially, followed by hyperinflation and finally currency collapse.

Therefore, the currency is basically useless.

So, what is valuable then?

Things that are essential for our daily life such as:

1. Food
2. Clothes/blanket/shoes/camping gear
3. Clean water supply - water filter
4. Ground - local hideout
5. Gasoline
6. Gun
7. Medicine - essentials, painkiller, bandages, antibiotics
8. Cash - local, foreign, silver, gold.
9. Lighter,fire,cigarettes,woods
10. Ethnic valuables - amulets, keris, radio with dynamos, transport, watches, gems, stones.
11. Survival skills - foods, medical, security, agriculture, fisheries, hunter.
12. Security forces.

Doing this trying time staying calm, rational and surrendering one life to fate will ensure a higher probability of survival.

In whatever crisis, those who are rational when everyone tends to be an irrational win.

In god we trust - thy heart, thy soul, thy life.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Lion.

Friday 24 November 2017

Marketing: Philip Kotler and the 4Ps of marketing

Any student that start to study marketing, would need to read Philip Kotler's book.

Philip Kotler is known as the father of marketing, as such, Hippocrates is the father of medicine.

Kotler's 4ps are product, place, price, and promotion.

Without those 4, marketing does not work.

1. Product - we need a product that solves peoples problems or redefines the marketplace or better a trendsetter. Quality is also an essential component.

2. Place - we need a market for it, whether generic or niche - we need a marketplace or product that people wants to be based on the recent trend.

3. Price - we need a competitive price, not too low, not too high or what we say "Goldilocks pricing"

4. Promotion - we need to let the whole world know that we mean business based on social media so that we are visible and track our prospect via segmental marketing.

Let us discuss an example.

Say, I am selling my books.

What I need to have

1. A killer product whereby my book starts a paradigm shift.

2. A good market place such as Amazon's Kindle

3. Price should be competitive and as low as possible to make it affordable for the generic market or high price for the limited edition of my book to make it a collectible piece.

4. Promotion, I will use social media for my promotions such as Google blog, facebook, twitter, and Instagram. On top of that, I will give a lot of free gift and freebies to make my book visible.

 I will also constantly saturating the marketplace to make people feel that they miss something out if they don't read my book.

Psychological marketing states that a lot of people fear to be left out in a trend due to "following the jones" mentality in the west or what should we say "kiasu and kiasi" in Singaporean laymen terms.

Hopefully, these bits of advice help, those of you, who are marketer outside.

In God we trust - thy heart, thy soul, thy life.

Yours sincerely,


Tuesday 21 November 2017

Survival of the most adaptable.

In the future knowledge rule.

So, those who control commerce via distribution channel or those who control food will rule the world.

Those who control the distribution channel will tax the goods at it get transfer among the intermediaries.

Those who control food., control the basis of our existence. Do you know that the French revolution starts because of the feminist movement against the queen for hoarding food? The French woman other than elegant start the first revolution, because they cannot see their children die of starvation and seeing that the queen of France store food in her granaries, while the second class starve to death. That's why the french revolution started and democracy was born or what we say people power was born.

Always remember, the hand that "shake the cradle can destroy the world",,,,,,, this is based on Napolean Bonaparte own words.

God bless.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Lion.

Saturday 18 November 2017

Economic crisis and the transference of wealth.

The 21st century is an era of knowledge.

Everyone says that the financial crisis is bad.

It is really so?

The answer is no.


Because, in a financial crisis, there will be a transference of wealth from the unprepared to the prepare.

That's why buffet always joke "when the tide is down, we know who is swimming naked"

The elite have prepared themselves for the coming financial crisis?

Are you prepare?

Prepare for liquid asset transfer? Food shortage? Security? Political crisis? Safety during a disaster?

If u are then u are safe. If not, you better pray hard that those things that we are unprepared to come to pass.

Murphy law states that "Things that we are prepared for seldom come to fruition, but bad luck catch up with the unprepared...lets see the prove....toast bread will always land on the side with the cream and make the kitchen so messy...why can't it land on the unbuttered side....murphy law at work.

So, if we are prepared and insured, bad luck seldom comes to fruition. If we know, Murphy's law we should then profit from it.

1. Setback, bounce back

2. Life gives u a lemon, make a lemonade.

3. God delay are not god denial.

Try set out from the comfort of our life and don't see life from a "tinted glass".

Remember "we are a spiritual being with human experience"

Always repeat in yourself "I am feeling healthy, wealthy and terrific"

Always have positive reasons for everything that will make your life worth living.

Rather than "why me?".

Ask "how?".

As all problem are man-made and are usually solvable if u put the right key for the right lock and always be prepared as "man proposes, God disposes" as "tough time never last, tough people do"

If u are feeling down "try put meaning in other people life, it works wonder"

If you are in a crisis, the best thing to do is basically " just kneel and pray". Crisis would eventually happen due to human exhuberance.

God bless us all.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lion.

Sunday 12 November 2017

Financial Crisis: Going against nature.

The financial crisis is due to the fact that we are going against nature or more crudely due to the law of the god.

The following country is prime examples of how leaders going against nature, leading to greater and greater crisis, leading eventually to great catastrophe.

1. Zimbabwe - nationalization of wealth from the have to have not.

2. Venezuela - one product economy

3. Greece - social welfare economy and low productivity.

4. China (Emperor era) - bad social reform.

All these are the reasons for the fall of all great heroes and wonders of the yesteryears. What other common things that they have in common?

Yes. Corruption.

The first thing that China and Saudi did with their new leadership is to kill corruption at its core. China executes his second most top leader for alleged corruption and Saudi executes his prince for murder.

Feudal China failed because of corruption and opium.

Corruption is going against the law of God.

"May the law of God prevail."

God bless the world!

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lion.

Thursday 9 November 2017

Commodity will soar to the sky.

The commodity is the new gold.


China had made the decisive step to discard the petrodollar and Saudi prima facie cases against corruption would shift money from the rich to hard assets.

What are hard assets, it is something that is tangible or essential for the masses - grab, ground, gas, gun, and gold.

However, the personal disposable income of the masses have a drop in a certain country and property bubble is at an all-time high, making highly unlikely to gain much in a property.

Therefore, I will be going after food commodity, oil, and gas and to a lesser degree metal as a medium of hedging.

China also has so much USD to dump or what should I say convert to commodity, especially edible and industrial commodity.

"Commodity rules!"

God blesses us!

Have a productive day ahead.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lion.

Saturday 4 November 2017

Types of Transaction Opportunities and how to seize it.

In any business opportunity, it is divided into 4 quadrants or types:

Quadrant 1 - High probability of winning with high return. I would term this shooting star.

Quadrant 2 - High probability of winning with low return. I would term this dogs.

Quadrant 3 - Low probability of winning with high return. I would term this cash cow.

Quadrant 4 - Low probability of winning with low return. I would term these crocs.

In every transaction - whether business, gambling, investing, stock or dividends yielding - I will only invest in shooting star or cash cow.

I don't mind missing all the dogs or crocs, as buffet always say

"One or two Highly probabilistic winning trade a year is better than thousand of aimless trading"

Transacts more in shooting star, some in cash cows and avoid dogs and crocs, altogether will bring your investment to the superhighway.

Fate favored those who are prepared.

God bless all us with a productive life.

Good luck! Amugo.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lion.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Experiencing Total Collapse and Building Up Again in a New Country

Say, if a country collapses, experience food shortage and fall into anarchy?

Take Southern Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Nigeria or Venezuela as current reference.

What do we do?

Run for our lives, of course.

To the best country of course. 


We want a good country that will provide security and reliable healthcare when we are an older person and good education for our children and a new "head-start" for our family there.

But, what to bring with us to the new world?

Knowledge, skill and liquid cash will be ideal.

Therefore, we need to be prepared with the appropriate knowledge and skill to survive in the new world.

The new world that I will choose will be New Zealand.

No matter how much money we have, we will still lose out to others there as there are many billionaires soaking their cash with lands there.

Nevertheless, there is a flash of silver lightning from the wisdom of Jesse Livermore 

"When a rich guy and a clever guy meet, they exchange."

Therefore, the bigger the inequality in wealth, the bigger the exchange happen if we are knowledgeable.

So, what type of knowledge that we wanna bring to the new world?

I personally, will enhance my current knowledge and skill on the following and bring to the new world:

1. Stock trading skills - the fastest way to generate wealth if you have the right trading strategy.
2. Gambling skills - residual income to set you up initially
3. Trading skills - setting up a commercial entrepreneur business is ideal
4. Lecturing skills - direct income by educating the future generation.
5. Medical skills - treating patients and other fellow refuges in time of crisis.

"Total surrender to the almighty is essential"

"If you have the belief that you can move mountains, you can do wonders"

God Bless Our Future!

Good Luck! in the new world.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lion.

The imminent war in north korea and those that benefits.

A man had always fight over oil and yes this time North Korea had to be a sacrifice in the name of oil or we say world growth and peace, whereby, every decade, the weaker nation is a sacrifice for the greater cause of prosperity.

War can be in a day, a month, a year or in a decade but it is going to happen soon - I prefer to be 20 years early than 1 day late.

It was reported that Trump orders the attack on North Korea yesterday but was short of democratic vote and Putin move Satan 2 to NK to fend against American invasion.

Recapping history, oil was cheaper than water in the 1960s and the Arabs and Venezuela were smart, they form OPEC cartel and start the Arab War on Israel which make oil jump to US 70 in 1970.

So, now the story is different. BRICS and Venezuela are dumping Petrodollar. So, America has no choice, but to start a war on multifront to get loyalty and preserve its economy and maintain world hegemony and loyalty to the almighty fiat USD.

War will move up the price of commodity especially gasoline and grab, as supply becomes a scarcity.

So, the benefit of the war are:
1. America, the biggest shale oil producer.
2. OPEC country
3. Malaysia
4. Rusia and Venezuela.

Biggest loser is
1. North Korea, obviously due to loss of infrastructure and civilians.
2. South Korea
3. China
4. Japan
5. Russia, because of war at their backyard
6. Syria, making it difficult for Russia to fight the war on 2 continents.
7. Venezuela, Russia, and China reduce international presence due to war in their backyard.

Hints: Malaysia stock market will drop to around 1500, but commodity counter especially palm oil and O&G counter would bode very well.

"I am a cynic hope to be proven wrong"

God bless the world and may peace prevail.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lion.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Spinning Wheel: Velocity of Money is the Vehicle of the rich.

Let me put up with you two scenario.

There are 2 businessmen with other things being equal or ceteris paribus.

Scenario 1: A. Donald, a Politician with a turnover of once a month and a 5 bagger profit.

Scenario 2: B. Patrick, a Businessman with a turnover of once a week and a 2 bagger profit.

The hypothetical test:

How much does each of them have at the end of 1 month? 6 month? 1 year?. If both of them start with USD 1,000 as their initial investment.

1) Situational M1:

S1: Donald will have = 1k x 5^1 =  5k

S2: Patrick will have = 1k x 2^4 = 8k

2) Situational M6:

S1: Donald will have = 1k x 5^6 =  3125k

S2: Patrick will have = 1k x 2^(4x6) = 16,777,216k

3) Situational M12:

S1: Donald will have = 1k x 5^12 =  244,140,625k or nearly USD 244 billion dollar.

S2: Patrick will have = 1k x 2^(4x12) = 10^18 or nearly USD billion billion dollar.

What about a lifetime of investing with the correct principles and disciplines? The results surely work wonders.

This shows that identifying bagger stock and activating the spinning wheel works wonder to many.

No, wonder buffet is so rich with the magic of compounding.

"May the blessing of the Almighty be with all of us"

God Bless!

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Lion.

The Ultimate Way to Richest.

The only way to be rich is to follow the following steps and repeat the sequences many times.

1. Earn the money and chain it. So, that money becomes your slave.

2. Save the money. So, you imprison money and money become your eternal slave.

3. Invest the money. So, that the money multiplies and brings all their child as a slave to serve you.

4. Protect the money. So, that money and their children exclusively belongs to you only.

Repeat this principle and you will be rich.

Jesse Livermore sum it best

"We cannot go against good principles, we can only break our self going against good principles"

"God Bless us hunting in the wilderness for acres of diamonds in the Amazon jungles full of crocs!"

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Lion.