Saturday 18 November 2017

Economic crisis and the transference of wealth.

The 21st century is an era of knowledge.

Everyone says that the financial crisis is bad.

It is really so?

The answer is no.


Because, in a financial crisis, there will be a transference of wealth from the unprepared to the prepare.

That's why buffet always joke "when the tide is down, we know who is swimming naked"

The elite have prepared themselves for the coming financial crisis?

Are you prepare?

Prepare for liquid asset transfer? Food shortage? Security? Political crisis? Safety during a disaster?

If u are then u are safe. If not, you better pray hard that those things that we are unprepared to come to pass.

Murphy law states that "Things that we are prepared for seldom come to fruition, but bad luck catch up with the unprepared...lets see the prove....toast bread will always land on the side with the cream and make the kitchen so messy...why can't it land on the unbuttered side....murphy law at work.

So, if we are prepared and insured, bad luck seldom comes to fruition. If we know, Murphy's law we should then profit from it.

1. Setback, bounce back

2. Life gives u a lemon, make a lemonade.

3. God delay are not god denial.

Try set out from the comfort of our life and don't see life from a "tinted glass".

Remember "we are a spiritual being with human experience"

Always repeat in yourself "I am feeling healthy, wealthy and terrific"

Always have positive reasons for everything that will make your life worth living.

Rather than "why me?".

Ask "how?".

As all problem are man-made and are usually solvable if u put the right key for the right lock and always be prepared as "man proposes, God disposes" as "tough time never last, tough people do"

If u are feeling down "try put meaning in other people life, it works wonder"

If you are in a crisis, the best thing to do is basically " just kneel and pray". Crisis would eventually happen due to human exhuberance.

God bless us all.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lion.

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