Saturday 25 November 2017

Types of currency during economic crisis.

During an economic crisis, a currency that will be used must be something that is of value to the seller for barter trade.

This is because, during an economic crisis, deflation will occur initially, followed by hyperinflation and finally currency collapse.

Therefore, the currency is basically useless.

So, what is valuable then?

Things that are essential for our daily life such as:

1. Food
2. Clothes/blanket/shoes/camping gear
3. Clean water supply - water filter
4. Ground - local hideout
5. Gasoline
6. Gun
7. Medicine - essentials, painkiller, bandages, antibiotics
8. Cash - local, foreign, silver, gold.
9. Lighter,fire,cigarettes,woods
10. Ethnic valuables - amulets, keris, radio with dynamos, transport, watches, gems, stones.
11. Survival skills - foods, medical, security, agriculture, fisheries, hunter.
12. Security forces.

Doing this trying time staying calm, rational and surrendering one life to fate will ensure a higher probability of survival.

In whatever crisis, those who are rational when everyone tends to be an irrational win.

In god we trust - thy heart, thy soul, thy life.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Lion.

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