Thursday 2 November 2017

Experiencing Total Collapse and Building Up Again in a New Country

Say, if a country collapses, experience food shortage and fall into anarchy?

Take Southern Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Nigeria or Venezuela as current reference.

What do we do?

Run for our lives, of course.

To the best country of course. 


We want a good country that will provide security and reliable healthcare when we are an older person and good education for our children and a new "head-start" for our family there.

But, what to bring with us to the new world?

Knowledge, skill and liquid cash will be ideal.

Therefore, we need to be prepared with the appropriate knowledge and skill to survive in the new world.

The new world that I will choose will be New Zealand.

No matter how much money we have, we will still lose out to others there as there are many billionaires soaking their cash with lands there.

Nevertheless, there is a flash of silver lightning from the wisdom of Jesse Livermore 

"When a rich guy and a clever guy meet, they exchange."

Therefore, the bigger the inequality in wealth, the bigger the exchange happen if we are knowledgeable.

So, what type of knowledge that we wanna bring to the new world?

I personally, will enhance my current knowledge and skill on the following and bring to the new world:

1. Stock trading skills - the fastest way to generate wealth if you have the right trading strategy.
2. Gambling skills - residual income to set you up initially
3. Trading skills - setting up a commercial entrepreneur business is ideal
4. Lecturing skills - direct income by educating the future generation.
5. Medical skills - treating patients and other fellow refuges in time of crisis.

"Total surrender to the almighty is essential"

"If you have the belief that you can move mountains, you can do wonders"

God Bless Our Future!

Good Luck! in the new world.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lion.

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