Thursday 2 November 2017

The imminent war in north korea and those that benefits.

A man had always fight over oil and yes this time North Korea had to be a sacrifice in the name of oil or we say world growth and peace, whereby, every decade, the weaker nation is a sacrifice for the greater cause of prosperity.

War can be in a day, a month, a year or in a decade but it is going to happen soon - I prefer to be 20 years early than 1 day late.

It was reported that Trump orders the attack on North Korea yesterday but was short of democratic vote and Putin move Satan 2 to NK to fend against American invasion.

Recapping history, oil was cheaper than water in the 1960s and the Arabs and Venezuela were smart, they form OPEC cartel and start the Arab War on Israel which make oil jump to US 70 in 1970.

So, now the story is different. BRICS and Venezuela are dumping Petrodollar. So, America has no choice, but to start a war on multifront to get loyalty and preserve its economy and maintain world hegemony and loyalty to the almighty fiat USD.

War will move up the price of commodity especially gasoline and grab, as supply becomes a scarcity.

So, the benefit of the war are:
1. America, the biggest shale oil producer.
2. OPEC country
3. Malaysia
4. Rusia and Venezuela.

Biggest loser is
1. North Korea, obviously due to loss of infrastructure and civilians.
2. South Korea
3. China
4. Japan
5. Russia, because of war at their backyard
6. Syria, making it difficult for Russia to fight the war on 2 continents.
7. Venezuela, Russia, and China reduce international presence due to war in their backyard.

Hints: Malaysia stock market will drop to around 1500, but commodity counter especially palm oil and O&G counter would bode very well.

"I am a cynic hope to be proven wrong"

God bless the world and may peace prevail.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lion.

1 comment:

  1. Trump choose world peace over war in north korea and will start diplomatic dialogue with mr kim, the rocketman
