Sunday 12 November 2017

Financial Crisis: Going against nature.

The financial crisis is due to the fact that we are going against nature or more crudely due to the law of the god.

The following country is prime examples of how leaders going against nature, leading to greater and greater crisis, leading eventually to great catastrophe.

1. Zimbabwe - nationalization of wealth from the have to have not.

2. Venezuela - one product economy

3. Greece - social welfare economy and low productivity.

4. China (Emperor era) - bad social reform.

All these are the reasons for the fall of all great heroes and wonders of the yesteryears. What other common things that they have in common?

Yes. Corruption.

The first thing that China and Saudi did with their new leadership is to kill corruption at its core. China executes his second most top leader for alleged corruption and Saudi executes his prince for murder.

Feudal China failed because of corruption and opium.

Corruption is going against the law of God.

"May the law of God prevail."

God bless the world!

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lion.

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